Prophecy and the Bible "Silence"

Question: How would following the Spirit of Prophecy cause a person to have a greater trust in the Bible?


Since the end of Acts (see: Acts 28:25–28); there has been a notable silence re. the Holy Spirit’s actions on Earth; which IMO is because of the rejection by Israel of the Apostle Paul’s message re. Christ Jesus as Messiah!

The fact that the prophets have still in many cases to become fulfilled is self-evident, but the silence from God does not help some people, because of the teaching of some Churches!

To say there is “silence” is not strictly accurate, because at the present time; the enemy of God (Satan), is having much success in converting people to his group (i.e. non-believers); a condition which is predicted to be the case just before some of the prophecies of Israel's travails, and the return of Christ Jesus takes place, see Matt. 24 and parallel refs. in the Bible!  See: Prophecy in Matthew 24.  Regarding Jerusalem, Israel and the world, Matt. 24 is specific, and links into many prophecies almost simultaneously!

Matt. 24 is the Lord Jesus Christ’s own words, which give much food for thought when a knowledge of ALL the other prophets is absorbed!

It must be said here, that prophecy is a contentious subject, with many opinions worldwide which vary!

In my own and my wife’s case, we have gone our own way, with the Bible and prayer as our MAIN guide, because the interpretations are so wide we have found in Churches and people worldwide!

To give an example: our own understanding of Matt. 24, shows that a personage of great charisma is yet to emerge in the Middle-East, who will be trusted by all the parties involved with the disputes over Jerusalem, the land divisions, etc.  The Bible calls him “the Assyrian”, who seems to engender sufficient trust in the antagonists, that a 3rd Temple will be built on the Temple site, which will for a time mean peace in the Holy Land, and which corresponds with Daniel 9!

Future events: The "peace Covenant for Israel"; negotiated by the appearance of Anti-Christ; who will be accepted as "The Christ" by many of the world's religions!  The Tribulation of Satan on Israel. The simultaneous (Wrath of God) on the unbelieving Nations of the world.  The massive world population reduction (World Population Reduction).  The "Battle of Armageddon", when many Nations will try to eliminate Israel.  The Second Advent of the True Christ, in "Power and great Glory".  The judgement of the Nations by Christ, into "sheep and goats" Matt. 25:31-46.  (See: The Sheep and Goat Judgement).  The establishment of The Millennial (1,000 years) Reign of Christ/God from Jerusalem.

In all of the above, Satan will still attempt to "be as God".  He will be present in the Anti-Christ, the Tribulation of Israel, the Nations attempting to eliminate Israel; and his defeat will not be evident, until the remnant of Israel are saved by Christ Himself!  It is not until this stage that Satan will be bound, and cast into "the bottomless pit", to be bound for 1,000 years; when his final attempt "to be as God" will be enacted, prior to his destruction, see: Satan Bound; Rev. Chp. 20:2 (a) (c) & (d). and Satan's release from the pit; Rev. Chp. 20:7(a).  At that time Almighty God will be totally vindicated, and will be seen by all to be, Ultimate Love.



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